Apr 06


[Golf] Williams retires, Sparks and Elder new coaches

This spring Georgetown College women's and men's golf will start to see the changing of the guard so to speak. Flash Williams, who started the women's team and for years has coached both programs, finished up the fall season before officially retiring in December."I never thought I'd be done coaching, but my recovery from knee surgery did not go as I had hoped," Williams said. "While I know I can still coach, I can't do it in the way I want and that to me is a sign that it's time to pass the torch."Fortunately, we've had a young lady Taylor Elder, who played for Eastern Kentucky (University), volunteering these past few seasons. She'll take over with the women. Associate Director of Athletics Austin Sparks has also been around the teams, helping us travel the past several seasons to our big tournament in Florida. He's a great golfer, loves the game and will take over the men's team."